I published a package that leveraged template tags to format strings in JavaScript. In this article, we'll take a closer look at this package!
In this article, after I rant a bit against passwords, we will look at implementing magic links, a password-less authentication method.
Get your surfboard ready, we are heading to the sea ... and the less than relaxed and laid back world of CSRF (pronounced "sea surf") attacks!
Time for a nice little side project: let's build a link shortening service!
Actually, more than giving you all the code to achieve it, we will go over the process of spec'ing and architecting one such service, following a given set of constraints.
One of the main benefit of using WebAssembly is that it is more performant than plain JavaScript code, in most cases. Hence, the idea to try and optimise the latest library I released by re-writting it in Rust!