What are we building?
An LRU cache is a type of memory storage system that keeps track of recently used items. The term "Least Recently Used" indicates that, when the cache is full and a new item needs to be stored, the system will remove the item that hasn't been used for the longest time.
LRU caching is efficient for scenarios where certain items are used more frequently than others. It helps speed up data access by keeping the most relevant and recently used items readily available in memory.
In this article, we'll explore the implementation of an LRU cache through the following axis:
- Initialisation
- Insertion of Data
- Retrieval of Data
- Removal of Data
- Resizing
- Cache Statistics
- Callbacks and Events
- Persistence
- Time-to-live (TTL)
- Custom Eviction Policies
There's a lot to cover, so buckle up!
Overall class definition
Before diving into the actual implementation, let's first define a high-level API for our cache:
For initialisation, we pass the capacity
of our cache to the constructor and get back a cache
object with all methods needed to perform the operations below.
The capacity
is the maximum number of elements that the cache can store. That number cannot be lesser than 1.
const cache = new LRUCache<K, V>(capacity: number);
Insertion of Data
Data inside the cache is addressable by their key
which associates it to a value
. The key
s are unique, meaning that inserting different data with the same key will overwrite any existing data.
Elements are appended to the cache until its size
exceeds its capacity
, at which point the least recently used element is evicted from the cache.
cache.put(key: K, value: V);
Retrieval of Data
Data can be retrieved from the cache based on their key
. Different methods allow for different effects on the returned value
and the internal working of the cache.
Getting an element from the cache will return the value
of that element if it exists in the cache. After retrieving that element, we update the cache to mark it as the most recently used item in the cache, impacting its potential eviction. Reading an element from the cache is equivalent to "using" that element.
const value: V | undefined = cache.get(key: K);
A similar method but slightly different effects is peek
which returns the value
of an element if it exists but doesn't update the cache. Peeking at an element isn't equivalent to "using" that element.
const value: V | undefined = cache.peek(key: K);
Finally, if all we care about is checking that an element exists in the cache, has
returns a boolean based on the key
. This method also doesn't update the cache.
const isKeyInCache: boolean = cache.has(key: K);
Removal of Data
Data can be removed from the cache outside of the eviction policy with the remove
method, which removes an element based on its key
if it exists.
cache.remove(key: K);
Finally, to remove all elements in the cache, the clear
method can be used.
The resize
method allows for the capacity
of the cache to be dynamically updated after the cache's initialisation. If the new capacity
is lower than the current cache's size
, the least recently used elements will be evicted until the size
is equal to the new capacity
Note that the new capacity
cannot be lesser than 1.
cache.resize(capacity: number);
Cache Statistics
To add some observability into the functioning of the cache, a stats
getter calculates and returns a set of statistics.
const stats: LRUCacheStats = cache.stats;
The stats calculated are:
- hit rate
- miss rate
- eviction rate
- effectiveness
type LRUCacheStats = {
// Hit Rate = (Number of Cache Hits) / (Total Number of Cache Accesses)
hitRate: number;
// Miss Rate = (Number of Cache Misses) / (Total Number of Cache Accesses)
missRate: number;
// Eviction Rate = (Number of Evictions) / (Total Number of Cache Accesses)
evictionRate: number;
// Effectiveness = (Number of Evictions) / (Total Number of Cache Hits)
effectiveness: number;
Callbacks and Events
To allow for custom logic on interesting events, a basic event emitter implementation is added to the cache. This permits attaching handlers on events and implementing custom logic. In some cases, the cache item concerned by the event is passed to the handler.
Registering a handler for an event is done using the on()
const cacheCallback: CacheEventCallback = cache.on(event: CacheEvent, handler: CacheEventHandler);
The returned object provides an unregister()
method to remove the handler from the event.
type CacheEventCallback = {
unregister: () => void;
Interesting cache events include:
- insertion: when a new item is added to the cache (including exiting items)
- eviction: when an item is evicted from the cache due to the LRU policy
- removal: when an item is manually removed from the cache
- full: when the cache is at capacity
- empty: when the cache has no items
type CacheEvent = "insertion" | "eviction" | "removal" | "full" | "empty"
The cache event handler is potentially passed an item (for insertion, eviction, and removal), which has 2 properties:
: the key of the item in the cachevalue
: the value of the item in the cache
type CacheEventHandler<K, V> = (
event: CacheEvent,
item?: { key: K; value: V },
) => void;
Currently, the cache is only stored in memory, meaning that a browser refreshing or a server shutting down will wipe the cache. In most cases, this is fine, but for the cases where it's not, let's look at what persistence might look like.
First, we'd like to add a persistence
parameter to the LRUCache
const cache = new LRUCache<K, V>(capacity: number, persistence: LRUCachePersistence);
Let's also add a setter
so that we can add or change the persistence implementation of our cache after instantiation (also know as dependency injection).
const cache = new LRUCache<string,number>(2);
const persistence = new LRUCachePersistence();
cache.persistence = persistence;
The LRUCachePersistence
class needs, at a minimum, to implement a method to persist
a cache, and to restore
it back. It also needs a cacheKey
to support multiple caches and identify the right one to potentially restore.
class LRUCachePersistence<K, V> {
#cacheKey: string;
persist: (cache: Map<K, V>) => void = () => {}
restore: () => Map<K, V> = () => new Map()
To persist a cache, we call the persist()
method on the cache, which will delegate to the persist()
method on the persistence object. Restoring is similar.
const cache = new LRUCache<K, V>(capacity, persistence);
Albeit being a good default, having to manually call cache.persist()
might be a bit of a chore in some scenarios where we'd like every change to the cache be persisted automatically. To indicate that, we add an autoPersist
property to LRUCache
which then dictates the automatic persistence behaviour.
const cache = new LRUCache<K, V>(capacity: number, persistence: LRUCachePersistence, autoPersist: boolean);
Time-to-live (TTL)
To enhance the cache even further, a ttl
value can be set in the constructor (and a ttl
setter) of the cache. This value indicates how many milliseconds each item added to cache is valid for, with elements expiring being evicted.
const cache = new LRUCache<K, V>(capacity: number, options: { ttl: number });
cache.ttl = 1234;
The eviction process is by default a cleanup on access (reactive cleanup), meaning that when an item is retrieve from the cache, it first checks its ttl
. If the item is expired, the item is evicted and undefined
is returned. Note that get
ting an element from the cache resets its ttl
An optional proactive cleanup can be turned on by providing a cleanup interval to the constructor (and ttlCleanupInterval
setter) of the cache.
const cache = new LRUCache<K, V>(capacity: number, options: { ttl: number, ttlCleanupInterval: number });
cache.ttlCleanupInterval = 1234;
In addition to the reactive cleanup, the proactive cleanup will remove items that expire regardless of the access. This can help remove expired items that might be overextending their presence in the cache.
Per-item ttl
s can also be set via the put
method, with an optional third argument ttl
cache.put(key: K, value: V, ttl?: number);
Custom Eviction Policies
Finally, to complete the API of our over-engineered cache, let's add the possibility to define custom eviction policies!
const cache = new Cache<K, V>(capacity: number, options: { evictionPolicy: CacheEvictionPolicy })
In essence, this is an options
passed to the constructor. It is a function that returns a key K
to be evicted when the cache is at capacity and a new element is inserted.
It takes the cache as unique argument and returns the key that needs to be evicted. By default, that should be the least recently used element in the cache.
// Returns the key of the element to evict when cache is full
type CacheEvictionPolicy<K, V> = (cache: Cache<K, V>) => K;
Detailed implementation
Now that we've seen the high-level specifications of our cache, let's dive into its implementation!
Underlying Data Structure
To build an efficient cache, we need to use some efficient underlying data structure. Ideally, we would like to have constant complexity (O(1)
) on reads and writes to our cache. That means that the time to read and write data into our cache remains constant regardless of the size of the cache. Hash tables provide an average complexity of O(1)
, even though the worst case scenario might still be linear O(n)
, meaning that the time to read and write date grow proportionally to the size of the cache.
s in JavaScript are implemented as hash tables in most engines. They provide the same guarantees as hash tables, with a constant average complexity for reads and write. They unfortunately don't provide guarantees on the order of its elements, meaning that we would need to track that in a different data structure as we need to keep track of the least recently used element. Luckily, JavaScript has another data structure, that is similar to Object
s in terms of complexity, but that guarantees the ordering of keys: Map. Even though the spec only requires a sub-linear average complexity, Map
s are implemented in V8 using deterministic hash maps, making it the ideal underlying data structure for our cache implementation!
class LRUCache<K, V> {
* @private
* @type {Map<K, V>} - The underlying map that holds the cache
#map: Map<K, V>;
To initialise a cache, we pass its capacity to the constructor. We store that value in a private property, similar to the #map
class LRUCache<K, V> {
* @private
* @type {number} - The maximum number of items the cache can hold
#capacity: number;
We need to take care of the edge cases where the cache is initialise with a negative or zero value for its capacity. The constructor also initialises the underlying #map
data structure, which will store the values in the cache.
constructor(capacity: number) {
if (capacity < 1) {
throw new Error("Capacity must be greater than 0");
this.#capacity = capacity;
this.#map = new Map();
Insertion of Data
Inserting data into our cache is done using the put
method which takes a key
and a value
as arguments. The put
method then adds the key-value pair to the underlying #map
put(key: K, value: V): void {
this.#map.set(key, value);
There are 2 cases that need to be handled:
- the cache is already at capacity when adding the provided key-value pair
- data for the provided
already exists in the cache
For the case where the cache is at capacity, we need to evict an existing element to make room for the newly provided element. As we are implementing an LRU cache, we evict the least recently used element of the cache. As we are storing data in an underlying Map
, we have a guarantee that elements inserted into the Map
are in order of insertion, meaning that the oldest element in the cache is always the first. We can retrieve the value of first element's key of a Map
by iterating over Map.keys()
. This can be implemented as a getter on the LRUCache
get first(): K | undefined {
return this.#map.keys().next().value;
We also need another getter to check if the cache is at capacity when inserting new data. To do so we need to check the size of the underlying Map
with the value of #capacity
passed to the constructor:
get size(): number {
return this.#map.size;
Using those getters, we can amend our put
method to evict the least recently used element in our cache when it is at capacity.
put(key: K, value: V): void {
if (this.size === this.capacity) {
this.#map.set(key, value);
The current implementation still fails in cases where we are adding a new value
with an existing key
into our cache. Indeed, in that case, with the current implementation, we might remove the oldest element in the cache, even though the size of the Map
wouldn't be changing as we are ultimately just replacing an element's value. Another issue is that the newly passed item will take the place of the existing element, when we'd like it to move all the way at the end of the Map
as it should be considered a new element.
To solve for both issues, if the Map
already contains a given key, we remove that key. If that is the case, we don't need the check for the eviction case either. Finally, we append the element into the Map
put(key: K, value: V): void {
if (this.#map.has(key)) {
} else if (this.size === this.capacity) {
this.#map.set(key, value);
Retrieval of Data
We can now add data into our cache, so let's look at retrieving that data!
To do so, we will implement a get
method on our cache that takes a key
as argument, and returns either the associated value
if it is present in the cache, or undefined
if it is not present.
get(key: K): V | undefined {
return this.#map.get(key);
When retrieving an element from the cache, we also need to update its "age" within the cache, as retrieving an element counts as "using" it. To achieve that, we delete and reset the element if it is found in the cache, effectively appending it to the end of the #map
get(key: K): V | undefined {
const value = this.#map.get(key);
if (value) {
this.#map.set(key, value);
return value;
The first iteration of the get
method can sometimes come handy though, if for example you want to retrieve data without altering the order of usage in the cache. That option is provided via the peek
peek(key: K): V | undefined {
return this.#map.get(key);
Finally, you might just be interested in knowing if a key
is already set in the cache. Again, for this operation we don't want to alter the cache itself, so the implementation is fairly straightforward:
has(key: K): boolean {
return this.#map.has(key);
Removal of Data
We now have a functioning LRU cache. Elements can be added to the cache, they can be retrieved from the cache, and the least recently used element is evicted whenever the cache reaches its capacity. Some more utility methods we might want to implement are around manual removal of data.
Removing a specific key
from the cache is done using a remove
method that takes as argument the key
to remove. This effectively remove the value from the underlying #map
remove(key: K): void {
In the same vein, we can implement a clear
method that removes all data inside the cache.
clear(): void {
Note that we don't need to update the current size of our cache (how many elements are in the cache), as that's read via a getter that returns whichever size the underlying #map
currently has.
Dynamic Resizing
Looking at some more advanced use cases, it might be useful to be able to resize an existing cache instead of just being stuck with the capacity set at initialisation. To achieve that, we implement a resize
method that takes an new capacity value as argument.
resize(capacity: number): void {
if (capacity < 1) {
throw new Error("Capacity must be greater than 0");
this.#capacity = capacity;
The above implementation is incomplete though, as we might end up in a situation where the new capacity is lower than the current cache size. In that scenario the size of the cache will always be beyond the cache capacity. As such, when reseting the capacity of an existing cache, if its current size is greater than the new capacity value, we need to evict elements from the cache until the size is equal to the cache's capacity.
resize(capacity: number): void {
if (capacity < 1) {
throw new Error("Capacity must be greater than 0");
this.#capacity = capacity;
while (this.size > this.capacity) {
We achieve that by evicting the oldest element while the size is greater than the capacity.
Cache Statistics
To allow for some observability of the cache, we want to compute and expose the following statistics:
- hit rate
- miss rate
- eviction rate
- effectiveness
To compute those values we need to keep track internally of the number of accesses to the cache, the number of hits, misses, and policy evictions. For accesses, we only count retrievals by calling the get
method. Note that manually evictions (either due to a resizing or by calling the remove
method) are not counted as well.
#stats = {
hit: 0,
miss: 0,
eviction: 0,
access: 0,
We need to update the get
and put
methods to count the number of hits, misses, evictions, and accesses to the cache:
get(key: K): V | undefined {
const value = this.#map.get(key);
if (value) {
this.#map.set(key, value);
this.#stats.hit += 1;
} else {
this.#stats.miss += 1;
this.#stats.access += 1;
return value;
put(key: K, value: V): void {
if (this.#map.has(key)) {
} else if (this.size === this.capacity) {
this.#stats.eviction += 1;
this.#map.set(key, value);
Finally, we calculate the statistics whenever we access the stats
get stats(): LRUCacheStats {
const hitRate = this.#stats.access
? this.#stats.hit / this.#stats.access
: 0;
const missRate = this.#stats.access
? this.#stats.miss / this.#stats.access
: 0;
const evictionRate = this.#stats.access
? this.#stats.eviction / this.#stats.access
: 0;
const effectiveness = this.#stats.hit
? this.#stats.eviction / this.#stats.hit
: 0;
return {
Note that in JavaScript, the Number
type is a double-precision 64-bit binary format IEEE 754 value. That means that rates might not be exact as they are decimal values, and that beyond 2^53 - 1
) integer representations are no longer exact so the underlying internal counters might be inaccurate.
Callbacks and Events
To facilitate attaching custom logic to interesting cache events, we implement a basic event emitter and handler within the cache itself.
To store those event handlers, we add a new private property to the cache:
#eventHandlers: Record<CacheEvent, Array<CacheEventHandler<K, V>>> = {
[CacheEvent.Insertion]: [],
[CacheEvent.Eviction]: [],
[CacheEvent.Removal]: [],
[CacheEvent.Full]: [],
[CacheEvent.Empty]: [],
The shape of that property is a mapping of CacheEvent
to an array of CacheEventHandler
enum CacheEvent {
Insertion = "insertion",
Eviction = "eviction",
Removal = "removal",
Full = "full",
Empty = "empty",
type CacheEventHandler<K, V> = (
event: CacheEvent,
item?: { key: K; value: V },
) => void;
Attaching event handlers is performed with the on()
method. It returns an object with an unregister()
method to remove the handler from the event.
on(event: CacheEvent, callback: CacheEventHandler<K, V>): CacheEventCallback {
if (!this.#eventHandlers[event]) {
throw new Error(`Invalid event: ${event}`);
const unregister = () => {
this.#eventHandlers[event] = this.#eventHandlers[event].filter(
(cb) => cb !== callback,
return { unregister };
type CacheEventCallback = {
unregister: () => void;
A private method #emit()
is then used to emit cache events and trigger the related event handlers. Optionally, an item
is also passed to the handlers.
#emit(event: CacheEvent, key?: K, value?: V): void {
this.#eventHandlers[event].forEach((handler) => {
handler(event, key && value ? { key, value } : undefined);
Finally, we emit the necessary events from other methods of the cache, for example:
remove(key: K): void {
this.#emit(CacheEvent.Removal, key, this.#map.get(key));
if (this.size === 0) {
There are different ways of implementing persistence for our cache. In our case we are going to implement an external LRUCachePersistence
class and pass an instance of that class into our cache. That instance is then set to an internal #persistence
property. This allows for flexibility in persistence strategies, as it can be defined outside of the cache logic itself.
At a high level, the LRUCachePersistence
is defined as:
property (and correspondingkey
getter): which can be used in the persistence logic to identify a specific cachepersist
property, assigned to a function: which contains the logic to serialise and store a cache's datarestore
property, assigned to a function: which contains the logic to deserialise and return a cache's data
class LRUCachePersistence<K, V> {
#cacheKey: string;
persist: (cache: Map<K, V>) => void = (cache) => { ... };
restore: () => Map<K, V> = () => { ... };
cacheKey: string = uuidv4(),
autoPersist: boolean = false,
logic?: { persist: (cache: Map<K, V>) => void; restore: () => Map<K, V> },
) { ... }
get key(): string { ... }
A few interesting things to notice so far:
are properties holding functions, not methods. This is due to the fact that they can be overwritten in theconstructor
if customlogic
is passed.persist
deal withMap
instead ofLRUCache
instances. This allows forLRUCachePersistence
to not be tightly coupled withLRUCache
, meaning it can be used to persist other caches as long as they can serialise and deserialise their data into aMap
The default implementation of persist
and restore
leverage localStorage
, but any custom logic can be passed into the constructor to replace that.
persist: (cache: Map<K, V>) => void = (cache) => {
Array.from(cache.entries()).map(([k, v]) => ({ key: k, value: v })),
restore: () => Map<K, V> = () => {
const data = localStorage.getItem(this.#cacheKey);
if (data) {
return new Map(
JSON.parse(data).map(({ key, value }: { key: K; value: V }) => [
return new Map();
For consistency with the format of item
in the event handlers, we are serialising the Map
into an Array
of objects with a key
and a value
The persistence can be set for a cache, either in the constructor
or via a setter
. The instance then leaves inside an internal #persistence
property of the cache.
capacity: number,
persistence?: LRUCachePersistence<K, V>,
) {
if (capacity < 1) {
throw new Error("Capacity must be greater than 0");
this.#capacity = capacity;
this.#map = new Map();
this.#persistence = persistence;
set persistence(persistence: LRUCachePersistence<K, V> | undefined) {
this.#persistence = persistence;
The cache is in charge of calling the persist()
and restore()
methods of its #persistence
property. Those methods are surfaced on the cache instance with ... persist()
and restore()
persist(): void {
if (!this.#persistence) {
throw new Error("Persistence is not set");
restore(): void {
if (!this.#persistence) {
throw new Error("Persistence is not set");
this.#map = this.#persistence.restore();
This is great, but we can go on step further! Currently, if we'd like to persist the data in our cache, we'd need to manually call cache.persist()
. This is probably fine for most use cases, but wouldn't it be more convenient if we could tell our cache to persist itself automatically on every change? Let's build just that!
We add a new #autoPersist
property to our LRUCache
class, which is set either via the constructor
or a setter
. Now, every time there is a change to the cache's data, we check if the #autoPersist
flag is set, and if so, we call persist()
remove(key: K): void {
if (this.#autoPersist) {
Time-to-live (TTL)
Implementing a time-to-live (TTL) function for items in the cache provides even more control on the cache's behaviour. The idea behind attaching TTL to cache items, is for these items to be removed from the cache after a given period of time, regardless of other eviction policies. The benefit here is that we can get rid of stale values without needing to fill in the cache, or without having newer values at hand.
There are 2 main implementations of TTL eviction in caches: reactive or proactive.
A reactive cleanup approach is implemented by checking the expiry of an item on lookup. The main advantages of this approach are its simplicity (cleanup is tied to cache operations) and its efficiency (only checks on cache operations). On the other hand, there are risks of having inconsistent performance on cache operations (as they now also need to check expiry and cleanup) and accumulation of stale data (as data only gets cleaned up on cache operations).
A proactive cleanup approach is implemented using an internal clock and checking all items in the cache periodically. If this sounds like garbage collection, maybe it is! The main advantages here are timely eviction, consistency, and no performance penalty on cache operations. On the other hand, it is more complex to implement, and it might lead to performance issues or stale data depending on the frequency of the internal clock.
Gentle reminder that this is an article about over-engineering a cache, so of course we will be implementing both a reactive cleanup, and an optional proactive cleanup mechanism!
To start, we add a #ttl
and a #ttlMap
properties to our cache. The #ttl
property holds the TTL for all items in the cache, whereas the #ttlMap
holds the expiry date for each element by key
* @private
* @type {number} - The default time-to-live (TTL) for cache items (in ms)
#ttl?: number;
* @private
* @type {Map<K, number>} - The map that holds the time-to-live (TTL) for
* cache items
#ttlMap: Map<K, number>;
We read the value of #ttl
in the constructor, where we also instantiate #ttlMap
. Note that we always instantiate it to simplify the code afterwards.
capacity: number,
options: {
ttl?: number;
} = {},
) {
this.#ttl = options.ttl;
this.#ttlMap = new Map();
Once we have the #ttl
, we insert a new entry in #ttlMap
whenever a new item is added to the cache. Similarly, we remove any entry in #ttlMap
when it is removed from the cache.
put(key: K, value: V, ttl?: number): void {
if (this.#map.has(key)) {
} else if (this.size === this.capacity) {
const key = this.first!;
this.#emit(CacheEvent.Eviction, key, this.#map.get(key));
this.#stats.eviction += 1;
this.#map.set(key, value);
this.#emit(CacheEvent.Insertion, key, value);
if (this.#ttl) {
this.#ttlMap.set(key, Date.now() + this.#ttl);
if (this.#autoPersist) {
if (this.size === this.capacity) {
We need to do the same thing when get
ting an item from the cache, as that updates the item.
get(key: K): V | undefined {
this.#stats.access += 1;
const value = this.#map.get(key);
if (value) {
this.#map.set(key, value);
if (this.#ttl) {
this.#ttlMap.set(key, Date.now() + ttl);
if (this.#autoPersist) {
this.#stats.hit += 1;
} else {
this.#stats.miss += 1;
return value;
Finally, we also need to update the remove
, clear
and resize
methods to remove the same elements from both #map
and #ttlMap
All items in the cache now have an expiry date, but we need to add the reactive cleanup mechanism! To do so, we first implement a private method #ttlEvict
which takes a key: K
as an argument and returns true
if the item has expired (and hence, has been evicted) or false
#ttlEvict(key: K): boolean {
if (this.#ttlMap.has(key)) {
const ttl = this.#ttlMap.get(key);
if (ttl && Date.now() > ttl) {
this.#emit(CacheEvent.Eviction, key, this.#map.get(key));
if (this.#autoPersist) {
return true;
return false;
Note that we need to add all the bells and whistles from the previously implemented features, namely the events and the persistence!
This private method can now be used in all places where we do cache operations to check on the expiry of an item. Note that if the cache doesn't have a TTL configured, this check is still fairly efficient because we are doing a lookup on a Map
by its key
get(key: K): V | undefined {
this.#stats.access += 1;
if (this.#ttlEvict(key)) {
this.#stats.miss += 1;
return undefined;
Similar logic also needs to be added to both the peek
and has
Optionally, a proactive cleanup strategy is in effect when a ttlCleanupInterval
value is passed to the constructor.
capacity: number,
options: {
ttl?: number;
ttlCleanupInterval?: number;
} = {},
) {
this.#ttl = options.ttl;
this.#ttlMap = new Map();
if (
options.ttlCleanupInterval !== undefined &&
options.ttlCleanupInterval < 1
) {
throw new Error("TTL cleanup interval must be greater than 0");
this.#ttlClearCleanupInterval = this.#ttlSetCleanup(
A private method #ttlSetCleanup
performs the proactive cleanup for the given interval. This method starts an internal clock that calls #ttlEvict
on every item of the #ttlMap
#ttlSetCleanup(interval: number = 0): (() => void) | undefined {
if (!interval) {
const timeout = setInterval(() => {
this.#ttlMap.forEach((_, key) => this.#ttlEvict(key));
}, interval);
return () => clearInterval(timeout);
The cleanup interval can be updated (or unset) using a setter
. This is also why we need to keep track of the clearInterval
function in a private property #ttlClearCleanupInterval
to reset the internal clock.
set ttlCleanupInterval(interval: number) {
if (!interval) {
this.#ttlClearCleanupInterval = undefined;
if (interval < 1) {
throw new Error("TTL cleanup interval must be greater than 0");
this.#ttlClearCleanupInterval = this.#ttlSetCleanup(interval);
Finally, we want to be able to set custom TTLs for items when they are appended to the cache. To do that, we need to update the put
method and add an extra ttl
argument. It still needs to default to whatever value might have been passed in the constructor, which is stored in the #ttl
property of the cache.
put(key: K, value: V, ttl?: number): void {
if (ttl) {
this.#ttlMap.set(key, { ttl, expiresAt: Date.now() + ttl });
} else if (this.#ttl) {
this.#ttlMap.set(key, {
ttl: this.#ttl,
expiresAt: Date.now() + this.#ttl,
We must not forget to also update the get
method, which updates an element and its TTL.
get(key: K): V | undefined {
const value = this.#map.get(key);
if (value) {
if (this.#ttl) {
const ttl = this.#ttlMap.get(key)!.ttl;
this.#ttlMap.set(key, {
expiresAt: Date.now() + ttl,
return value;
Custom Eviction Policies
So far, we've built a cache with a hardcoded least-recently-used (LRU) eviction policy. In a way, we have optimised it for that purpose, but we can also make it more extensible to allow for other kinds of eviction policies. To do that, we need to add support for custom eviction policies!
An eviction policy is a function that takes the cache
as unique argument and returns the key K
to evict.
type CacheEvictionPolicy<K, V> = (cache: Cache<K, V>) => K;
The way we are implementing this is via another options
in the constructor. It will have a default value, and it will be attached to the internal property #evictionPolicy
. By default, we still have an LRU cache as the oldest element in the cache will be evicted based on the default eviction policy.
capacity: number,
evictionPolicy = (cache) => cache.first!,
}: CacheOptions<K, V> = {},
) {
this.#evictionPolicy = evictionPolicy;
We now need to make a small change in 2 methods: put
and resize
put(key: K, value: V, ttl?: number): void {
if (this.#map.has(key)) {...}
else if (this.size === this.capacity) {
const key = this.#evictionPolicy(this); // <- Using the custom eviction policy
this.#emit(CacheEvent.Eviction, key, this.#map.get(key));
this.#stats.eviction += 1;
resize(capacity: number): void {
while (this.size > this.capacity) {
const key = this.#evictionPolicy(this); // <- Using the custom eviction policy
this.#emit(CacheEvent.Eviction, key, this.#map.get(key));
We can easily implement an MRU (most recently used) cache, as we already have a last
getter in our cache implementation.
get last(): K | undefined {
return Array.from(this.#map.keys()).pop();
const cache = new Cache<string, number>(2, {
evictionPolicy: (cache) => cache.last!,
cache.put("a", 1);
cache.put("b", 2);
cache.get("a"); // <- Most recently used item
cache.put("c", 3);
cache.has("a"); // false
Implementing FIFO (first in, first out) and LIFO (last in, first out) eviction policies is a bit more involved, but still relatively simple. We first need to create a new class CacheWithList
which inherits from our cache class. Then we need to add a list
property to keep track of the order in which items are added to the list.
class CacheWithList<K, V> extends Cache<K, V> {
list?: K[];
constructor(capacity: number, options?: CacheOptions<K, V>) {
super(capacity, options);
this.list = [];
put(key: K, value: V, ttl?: number) {
super.put(key, value, ttl);
Then we can use different eviction policies for different types of cache.
const cache = new CacheWithList<string, number>(2, {
evictionPolicy: (cache: CacheWithList<string, number>) =>
const cache = new CacheWithList<string, number>(2, {
evictionPolicy: (cache: CacheWithList<string, number>) =>
// RR (random)
const cache = new CacheWithList<string, number>(2, {
evictionPolicy: (cache: CacheWithList<string, number>) => {
const index = Math.floor(Math.random() * cache.list!.length);
const key = cache.list![index];
cache.list!.splice(index, 1);
return key;
Similarly, we can add the family of frequency-based cache eviction policies using the same idea of extending our base cache class.
class CacheWithFrequencies<K, V> extends Cache<K, V> {
frequencies?: Map<K, number>;
constructor(capacity: number, options?: CacheOptions<K, V>) {
super(capacity, options);
this.frequencies = new Map();
get(key: K): V | undefined {
const value = super.get(key);
if (value) {
this.frequencies!.set(key, (this.frequencies!.get(key) || 0) + 1);
} else {
return value;
put(key: K, value: V, ttl?: number) {
super.put(key, value, ttl);
this.frequencies!.set(key, 0);
remove(key: K) {
We can play with different eviction policies to generate different kinds of cache that use frequencies for eviction.
// LFU (least frequentyl used)
const cache = new CacheWithFrequencies<string, number>(2, {
evictionPolicy: (cache: CacheWithFrequencies<string, number>) => {
let min = Infinity;
let lfu = "";
for (const [key, freq] of cache.frequencies!) {
if (freq < min) {
min = freq;
lfu = key;
return lfu;
// MFU (most frequently used)
const cache = new CacheWithFrequencies<string, number>(2, {
evictionPolicy: (cache: CacheWithFrequencies<string, number>) => {
let max = -Infinity;
let mfu = "";
for (const [key, freq] of cache.frequencies!) {
if (freq > max) {
max = freq;
mfu = key;
return mfu;
Ultimately, there is the possibility to create as complex an eviction policy as we'd like, while still being able to use persistence, TTL, events, and all the other niceties we've built so far.
And if you just want simplicity though, this is all you need to get a decent cache:
const cache = new Cache<string, string>(42);
GitHub code + npm package
All this code is available on GitHub and as an npm package!
